Sunday, May 07, 2006

i'd never been so excited about watching any election results on tv before, till yesterday. largely due to greater political awareness from modules in school, having more or less followed coverage in the papers (which i felt was often blisteringly slanted towards you-know-what party) and most of all being eligible for voting (even if my grc was uncontested).

isn't it ironic that the young kids in school recite "to build a democratic society" every day but not everyone eligible is allowed to vote?

like many other like-minded young singaporeans, i'm sure those who wanted a greater voice for the opposition watched in disappointment yesterday as the seats went to the pap, one by one. even the very last glimmer of hope went out after the announcement that aljunied went to the pap.i'm not anti-pap per se, but since there was no way for the opposition to do a clean sweep for the contested wards, it seriously wouldn't have hurt if the opposition won more seats, wouldn't have resulted in what the pap says "distractions" or political infighting. i don't mind saying that all my relatives on my dad's side were staunchly pro-opposition.

well at the very least, the margin of voters for the opposition has increased and opposition candidates have been stronger this time round. i hope it's like what people say, that the next election is the one to watch out for but i think it's gonna be a long long while before there's any substantial change (and if chiam retires, his seat may well go to the pap the next time round).

on a side note, what a pity i never got round to watching any of the rallies in the end. it would have been cool to listen to low thia kiang speaking at length in teochew and saying "miang kia yee" (don't need to be afraid of them).haha. even if my teochew sucks.

ok..enough of politics for now. i'm gonna jump on the da vinci code bandwagon and start reading the book later.

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