Thursday, December 29, 2005

it's thurs already, which means 4 more days to school. the reality of that is sinking in very slowly. but surely. seems like there're some interesting modules next sem, but the thought of stress and exams is really killjoy.

i'm such a slug. these couple of days i've been sinking into antisocial mode again, prefering to stay home and while my time away on the pc.

x'mas was spent watching narnia with ang bk and jason lee. so much for a wksp outing when there's only the 3 of us. but what to expect when abk organises an outing on x'mas when everyone else would rather spend with their families/bestest friends/in church. but then i do appreciate any opportunity to keep in touch with these people. the movie was okay..quite entertaining. worth a watch. but then it's difficult to live up to so much hype, especially when the hype's been around like forever even before narnia hit the screens. and there was marina steamboat with my family at night and all the stalls jacked up prices cuz of x'mas. and i think benjamin sheares bridge is my favourite place in singapore to drive.

treated my brother and mum to king kong on tues. considering the movie was like 3 hours long, i honestly thought i would fall asleep. surprisingly i didn't. the special effects were damn cool..especially the dinosaur stampede and creepy crawlies. gotta love peter jackson. i haven't watched the original king kong but my brother loved the 1960s/70s remake. i suppose remakes hardly ever surpass the originals cuz the originals hold such a high place in the hearts of people who love them. but i think it's a very decent remake. yup. that's about it for now..

what a horribly disjointed post. haha.

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