Monday, August 06, 2007

i am so not looking forward to school

title says it all. this sem is possibly going to be the toughest one, what with 6 subjects, mostly heavy-duty ones, and a timetable that doesn't allow me time for lunch for 2 days. and to be honest there's no one i'm really close to in my new division - communication research. yeah.. it's major nerd-out time with statistics and spss.

i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i've made the right choice.. heck. i don't even know if i made the right choice being a communications studies student.

anyhow, summer exchange was great. it feels strange though, that i've fitted so well into the contours of everyday life in singapore again that it almost feels like i never left at all. like the whole exchange had been some kind of a dream. i do wish i had more time to blog when i was in france. but oh well, you know how things work around here on this blog - they don't. i hope to do up the posts soon before school starts killing whatever free time i have.

i'm also glad that i've managed to do some catching up with people after returning last wednesday, be it ktv with friends or catching a movie with my brother. also, i swear i haven't laughed so hard as i did on thursday night in a very long while. i was literally gasping for air playing cards at mind cafe with the cs people. lynette's line: "where are my cards?" - absolutely priceless.

and this afternoon, morris, cheewei and i went down for baybeats (my first!) and caught an acoustic set by indie band aloha. it was good, only that there was some bloody emcee who spoilt the whole thing by asking questions in between every single song. it was just a 4-song set in the end. ahhh well. the catching up was good though. morris, you gotta follow through with your new blogging ideas ok.

damn this is one shitty incoherent post which doesn't flow and makes no sense.

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